Free Electricity

Receive free electricity, possibly for life. All you have to do is sign up to be a witness and attend an event at a sports stadium near you to see a demonstration that may prove that the technology exists to provide North America with a low cost, non-polluting electric energy solution.

Reasons to Register to be a Witness

So why should you register to participate in our program? There are numerous reasons.

  • You could get free electricity on your home. This could save you $1,000 to $3,000 on your electric bill every year for the rest of your life.
  • There is no risk in signing up.
  • By registering now, you can avoid having to pay $2,000 for the same benefit if and when the technology is released.
  • Families will receive their free electricity in the order in which they registered. So the earlier you register, the earlier you will begin receiving “free electricity.”
  • You will avoid the possibility of missing out on the opportunity altogether. Once the technology has been demonstrated, we think the remaining slots will be taken very quickly.
  • You could eliminate the threat of power outages and brown outs as clean, reliable power is produced quietly right at your home.
  • You could eliminate your dependence on the local electric company and their never-ending rate increases.
  • You could help eliminate coal-fired power plants and stop the air pollution and acid rain they cause.
  • You could help stop global warming by eliminating the greenhouse gases produced by power plants (coal, natural gas, fuel oil).
  • You could help eliminate fuel oil fired power plants and end our dependence on foreign oil.
  • You could help eliminate the environmental destruction caused by strip mining.
  • 20% of the electricity in our nation comes from nuclear power plants. Our national leaders have not solved the problem of what to do with the nuclear waste these plants produce. You could help stop the creation of additional nuclear waste by these plants.
  • You could send a message to politicians that if they won’t give you a sane energy policy, you will do it yourself.
  • You could give your children and grandchildren a planet that can continue to sustain life. If you don’t, who will?
  • You could send a strong message to your State Public Utility Commission that you’re tired of them giving the electric companies every rate increase they ask for and that you’re not going to be at their mercy any longer.
  • You could send a message to big business (electric producers, electric distributors, coal mines, natural gas companies, oil companies), that you no longer have to pay whatever price they decide to set.
  • You could help decentralize power production in America and thereby make yourself and our nation less susceptible to terrorist attacks on our power grid.